Meet Daniela: A Wellness Enthusiast on a Mission to Transform Lives through Water

My name is Daniela. I’m a lover of health and wellbeing and I believe as a society we can return to a balanced state of health and wellbeing through changing a few of our daily habits. One of those things being Water! I’m on a mission to improve the water quality of families across Australia, by firstly making people aware of what it is they are missing out on in their regular mainstream water and having a simple and sustainable solution for them to bring back the health properties found in spring water to their home and business. The Water Revolution is here!

My health journey as an ex vet nurse & first time mother

As a lover of alternative health and wellbeing I have been on a health journey slowly changing my lifestyle over the course of 10 years, and a lot more the last 3 as my awareness has expanded and I started connecting the dots in mainstream health particulary being exposed to sick animals working as a vet nurse for 5 years. I started questioning my water as a first time mother, I found myself questionably thirsty 4 weeks post partrum, it’s like no matter how much I guzzled I was still thirsty. I firmly believe our body has the ability to thrive and sometimes we almost accept these every day issues as who we are. But the constant thirst had me wondering. I was drinking 2-3 L a day but it wasn’t helping. My intuition told me something wasn’t right! My body was very dehydrated!! At the time i had already ditched tap water and was buying water casks from the supermarket, the water stated it was “Australia’s most cleanest water” I mean does it get any better then that? Hah yes! Little did I know that clean water doesn’t necessarily mean water molecules that match those in a natural spring which are much more hydrating and have healing properties. With a little dive down the water rabbit hole I came across Electrolysed reduced water and it changed my whole perception on water! I was stunned as to why I had never heard of it only to find out the majority of people DON’T know about it!

One of those things that are extremely beneficial for our health yet not promoted in mainstream health…. Yet it has a stack of peer reviewed scientific studies to support it. With my profound research into the water industry and studying water itself, it came to my realisation how many pieces of the puzzle are missing in today’s mainstream water. We all know waters good for us but waters ONLY beneficial to our health if it actually has all the healing and hydration properties that deems water so good. We are taught to drink our 8 + glasses a day… but we’ve never questioned water, because waters just water, right?… Wrong! Drinking 8 glasses of the wrong water a day can be contributing to your health deteriorating. When it’s meant to be the very opposite. In my learning of water and the body I learnt that so much of our body is water, and that we have different types of water in our body for various reasons. In fact 99% of the molecules in our body are made up of water yet mainstream science focuses on the other 1% being the carbohydrate proteins and collagen… In my research I came to discover that the very components and properties that make up the “goodness” of water are completely missing from mainstream water. Filtering the water alone doesn’t cut it, filtering should just be a basic human right. We need our water ionised like it is in nature. Filtration + Ionisation is the kind of water our body biologically thrives on!

My Mission & Vision

Your water fairy was birthed with my passion to create a better world – to improve the health and well being of others in a simple and sustainable way. I see water ioniser businesses growing as the world shifts into a more health-conscious way of being. I want to help others that share my vision and want to create this ripple effect in the world! We are the catalyst for change. Revolutionary! Part of my love for spreading this awareness is equally paired with my passion for helping others begin their own water business in a way that best aligns with them! If you are lacking purpose but passionate on health then you too can be part of this growing water revolution!
At Your Water Fairy, we envision a world where every drop of water contributes to the well-being of individuals and communities. Guided by our unwavering commitment to health and balance, we strive to be the catalyst for a transformative water experience. Our vision is to empower families and businesses across Australia, raising awareness about the profound impact of water quality on daily life and how to overall reduce the chemicals in their home and save money. Through innovative solutions and a deep appreciation for the elemental magic of water, Your Water Fairy is dedicated to creating a ripple effect of wellness, fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature. Join us on this journey as we envision a future where pure, revitalised water becomes a source of vitality, joy, and sustainable well-being for all.

Ready to have Spring Water on tap? Reduce household chemicals? Save money & Simplify your health-conscious life?
Click your way to our Shop and make waves with Your Water Fairy’s spellbinding collection. Unleash the power of Kangen water in your space today!